BARMIG: Bargaining for working conditions and social rights of migrant workers in Central East European countries
BARMIG project HU webinar: The Role of Social Dialogue and Collective Bargaining and the Regulation of Working Conditions and Social Rights of Migrant Workers from Third Countries

Dec. 10, 2021
On December 10, 2021, CELSI organised an online workshop titled "The Role of Social Dialogue and Collective Bargaining and the Regulation of Working Conditions and Social Rights of Migrant Workers from Third Countries" where the author of the report on Hungary, Tibor Meszmann, researcher of CELSI, presented the main findings.
The event was organised within the Bargaining for Working Conditions and Social Rights of Migrant Workers in Central East European Countries (BARMIG) project, which assesses the role of established industrial relations institutions in addressing the effects of migration on changing labour markets, and how trade unions and employer organisations in Czechia, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland respond to these changes.
The webinar greatly benefited from discussants, Vivien Vadasi, Dávid Czizinszki (both Menedék - Migránsokat Segítő Egyesület), Ferenc Rolek (Munkaadók és Gyáriparosok Országos Szövetsége) és Zoltán László (Vasas Szakszervezeti Szövetség) insights and reflections but also contributions from the webinar's participants.
The recording can be found here:
The BARMIG project is a project co-financed by the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission.
Webpage of the project: